The first point that needs to be made in relation to the payment of school fees at Emmaus is that no family need ever be excluded from our school due to financial considerations.

The Emmaus Community Leadership Team has approved the 2025 School Fees.


The Family Fee is to cover the running costs of the school, to assist with capital works, maintenance of buildings and grounds, loan repayments and so on.


The Student Levies are to cover costs associated with curriculum, excursions, swimming, camps, technology, subscriptions, stationery, books, art and craft materials, equipment etc.                                          


YEAR 6 POLO:   $69.00 Each Year 6 student can purchase a specially designed school hoodie.  Please note that these can worn instead of the regular jumpers.

2025 School Fee Agreements

Each family will receive a digital 2025 Fee Payment Agreement via PAM before the end of the school year. The document will also be available in hardcopy at the front office. We recommend that families take advantage of setting up regular direct debit or credit card payments. If you have any questions or should you wish to discuss your fees confidentially, please contact Rachel by phone on 5330 2266 or email

 Fees payment methods are:

Direct debit from nominated savings/cheque account

Direct debit from credit card

Electronic funds transfer (EFT) to school’s bank account via internet banking

Direct credit to the school’s bank account from your employer

Payment by cash / cheque at school office

Families are asked to complete a fee agreement at the end of each year nominating a preferred method of payment, and the frequency of payments. Fees can be paid fortnightly, monthly, each term or annually.

Direct debit fee payment dates can be found HERE.

A copy of the Direct Debit Service Agreement can be found HERE.


School Fee Exemptions for families with eligible Concession Card

For those families who are current holders of Health Care or Pensioner Card, there are two exemptions available to assist families with school fees.  The Family Assistance Scheme is offered by the Diocese of Ballarat and the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) exemption is offered by the State Government of Victoria. 

Families who are eligible will be required to complete the application forms and provide a copy of your current health care card to apply for the exemptions. The Family Assistance Scheme form is available from the office now, and the CSEF application form will be available in February 2025.


The Conveyance Allowance assists families with the cost of transporting their children to and from school.

 To be eligible to receive a conveyance allowance you must:-

Be aged between five years (by 30 April in the year that the allowance is sought) and 21 years;

Live more than 4.8 km by the shortest practicable route from the nearest Catholic school attended; or

Live more than 4.8 km from the nearest bus service.

If you are eligible application forms are available from the office.

opening the doors foundation

Opening the Doors Foundation supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in Victoria with education funding.  For more information, please see the link:-

Opening the Doors Foundation supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in Victoria with education funding.  For more information, please see the link:-