catholic education ballarat - ENROLMENTS FOR 2026 foundation
Thank you for your interest in enrolling at our school. To ensure that every family has the appropriate opportunity to enrol their child, all Ballarat Catholic Primary Schools collaborate throughout the process of Foundation (Prep) Enrolment. Information collected through the enrolment process is collated on a common database, which is shared by the Catholic Primary Schools in Ballarat.
The application process for 2026 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments will open on Monday 10th February
The application process for 2026 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments:
1. Register for a school tour here.
2. Register your interest in enrolling your child at a Catholic school in the City of Ballarat by completing an online “City of Ballarat Expression of Interest for Enrolment” form here. At this stage, you will be able to nominate Emmaus Catholic Primary School as your first preference.
While completing the Expression of Interest form you will be required to indicate your first, second and third preference schools and upload your child’s birth certificate and baptism certificate (if applicable). You will also be required to indicate medical and educational considerations, and any supports your child currently engages with.
Completing this form does not guarantee that an enrolment offer will be made.
At Emmaus Catholic Primary School, a school tour is mandatory for all new families.
Please see the outline of the current process with the relevant dates below.
A link to the 2026 online enrolment form will be sent with offers of a placement.
KEY DATES - Foundation 2026 Enrolment
Monday 10 February, 2025 - Foundation (Prep) enrolment applications open
Thursday 22 May, 2025 - Expression of Interest forms close
Friday 13 June, 2025 at 12.00pm - Placement offers sent
List of schools with vacancies published and sent
Information regarding how to accept or decline this offer will be contained in your letter.
Please note - there is only one round of offers in 2025 which differs from previous years.
Friday 20 June, 2025 at 4.00pm - First round Acceptance closes
For further information, please make contact via 5330 2266 or
Each Catholic Primary School will make offers of enrolment in line with the Diocese of Ballarat Enrolment Policy which takes into consideration a variety of factors.